Informing NAWMP Joint Ventures’ decision-making and development
of strategies to support human dimensions goals and objectives.

This study will establish baseline data about Canadians’ involvement with, and preferences and priorities for, conservation and nature-based recreation that will inform Joint Venture decisions, provide a basis to target efforts to garner emotional and financial support for conservation, and permit long-term monitoring of stakeholders’ attitudes and conservation priorities. The four Joint Ventures and their partner organisations will benefit directly from the study in several ways:
- New knowledge to guide stakeholder engagement and interactions, regarding stakeholders’ motivations, preferences, and behaviours related to wetlands and waterfowl conservation and nature-based recreation involvement, including stakeholder group differences and similarities on key areas of interest.
- Benchmarking of Canadians’ involvement in and engagement with conservation and nature-based recreation, against which success may be evaluated in future.
- Foundational information to guide targeting of financial support for conservation.
- Segmentation of stakeholders based on types of participation, geography and demographic characteristics, engagement in pro-conservation behaviours, awareness of wetland ecosystem goods and services.
- Increased knowledge about human dimensions approaches and their application through ongoing engagement.
Results of this survey will be publicly available in the Spring of 2023.
Funding for this research has been provided by: